We are studying the Hebraic Principles of Creation in an Original Culture/Hebrew Way!
Are you a woman who wants more understanding of the Hebraic roots of the Word of God so that you can make deeper connections and receive more insight? If so, do you want a "Guide" and community that can help you do so?
We believe every woman has a powerful ability to deepen her understanding and become a "guide" patterned after the Master Teacher in the Original Culture Way!
Our Mission & Purpose is to prepare Facilitators and Mentors; those who desire to gain "eyes to see" through our Hebraic Principles of Creation study, and increase in ability of agency-based facilitation & nurturing.
Experience our transformational Intro Principles of Creation class ~ Pilgrim's Course Tutorial, and you will strengthen your foundational roots and know if we are the right "Guide" for you right now. See this overview of our Courses.
Join our NEW Private Online Community!
We are reading & discussing, discovering together, and meeting live online in our private community platform called Mighty Networks. (off FB) We would love to hear your thoughts, offer support, connect with you in our LIVEs in a private setting, and we invite you to join us!
If you have previously joined our Intro Hebraic Principles of Creation class called The Pilgrim’s Course Tutorial (prior to July2023)*, email foundationbuilderguide@gmail.com for a discount code.
*If you have NOT joined in this introductory class, follow the links to Get started and join us!! –HERE.
Enjoy this 8 hour Tutorial-style recorded class as we lay a groundwork of understanding this Hebraic circle pattern in the scriptures.
Read the full description HERE on HouseoftheBook.org.
Welcome to HouseoftheBook(dot)org/Foundation Builder Guide's Subscriber group. You are here to receive the FREE pdf's offered on our Monthly House Newsletter in order to enjoy our Hebrew Vocab Study and keep up with the latest in our organization.
Foundation Builder Guide's Symbolic-Learning Home resources, helping mothers teach & learn the Principles of Creation along with their children, can be enjoyed here with a Monthly Access,* each month a new Module/FBG Principle will open up. Or, it can be accessed through the Foundation Builder Guide's Level 1: Symbolic-Study Training.
Read the full description here on HouseoftheBook.org.
*This is now offered on our NEW Online Community platform on Mighty Networks. Begin learning these Hebraic Principles of Creation over there, ask your questions, and stay connected with everyone studying these principles!
Foundation Builder Guide's Symbolic-Learning Home Resources, helping mothers teach & learn the Principles of Creation along with their children, can be enjoyed here FULL Access convenient for you. Each of the FBG Principles of Creation "at Home" resources can be accessed through "Modules" and "Lessons." These can also be accessed through the Foundation Builder Guide's Level 1: Symbolic-Study Training.
Read the full description here on HouseoftheBook.org.
*This is now offered on our NEW Online Community platform on Mighty Networks. Begin learning these Hebraic Principles of Creation over there, ask your questions, and stay connected with everyone studying these principles!
Enjoy these simple yet complete beginning storytelling lessons with your children. In these 8 Storytelling Lessons with Kim Davis, you will understand how to break any story down into parts so you can easily tell it in your own words.
Foundation Builder Guide's 22 Month Principal Mentor Certification Program - Level 1: Hebraic Principles of Creation Symbolic-Study training, and our Online Community on Mighty Networks. It is a Hebraic symbolic-study for Women!
Read the full description here on HouseoftheBook.org.
Foundation Builder Guide's Level 2: Unlocking the Chambers
Read the full description about the Retreat Training here on HouseoftheBook.org.
This training will assist those in our Level 1 Study Experience work on their own healing process and better step into Facilitating in our live discussions and events.
Foundation Builder Guide's Facilitator Mentoring & Coaching, Level 3: Principles of Creation & Unlocking the Chambers Facilitator Training
Read the full description here.
Receive Coaching from Katie and her 10 year experience coaching women to build community around these Hebraic Principles of Creation.
Register on this "course" if you would like assistance in beginning a Foundation Builder Guide community near you or to begin inviting your friends and neighbors to study the "Hebrew Way" with your family.
While you most likely have heard of the Ancient language called Hebrew, have you heard of the Ancient Art & Science called FootZonology? FootZonology is an Ancient Art & Science that entails the study of the signal system on the feet. If you think of our body like a computer, our feet are the computer's wireless keyboard. These signals in our feet were created by God to connect through light vessels to the Inner Organs, Glands, Body Systems and DNA-code in every cell of the body and from the DNA-code to our Inner Blueprint.
Learn more through this short Intro to FootZonology Course!
In this class, we will be learning how to ZoneBalance the Endocrine System on the signals of the TOP of the Feet. We will begin with 3, 2 hour in-person introduction and instruction on the Endocrine system, Ascending the Family Within and this specific ZoneBalance treatment. We will then meet live online to review how to ZoneBalance the Endocrine System on each day of the week.
In this Course, Katie Hansen is offering her FootZonology Coaching to assist anyone certifying through the Nordblom American Institute of FootZonology.
She is licensed through the Nordblom American Institute of FootZonology as an Instructor.
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You may already know WHO you are, but WHY are you here?
These simple Receiving & Living Mission videos illustrate for you a journey of how to discover your "why". There are packed with Principles I have discovered are a part of our process of Receiving & Living Mission and are presented in a progressive flow, step by step.