Join us in restoring Original Culture, the Hebrew Way!  March: Principle of Creation 80

8 Modules

Binder VI: The Excretory System

An introduction to the Excretory System.

Binder VII: The Circulation System

An introduction to the Circulation System.

Binder VIII: The Nervous System

An introduction to the Nervous System.

FootZonology Coaching (Nordblom Institute)

While you most likely have heard of the Ancient language called Hebrew, have you heard of the Ancient Art & Science called FootZonology?  FootZonology is an Ancient Art & Science that entails the study of the signal system on the feet.  If you think of our body like a computer, our feet are the computer's wireless keyboard.  These signals in our feet were created by God to connect through light vessels to the Inner Organs, Glands, Body Systems and DNA-code in every cell of the body and from the DNA-code to our Inner Blueprint.   Feel free to learn more through our short introductory class in the Intro to Footzonology Course!

Learn more through our short introductory class in the Intro to Footzonology Course!

In this class, we will be learning how to ZoneBalance the Endocrine System on the signals of the top of the Feet.  We will begin with three in-person, 1-1/2 hours of introduction and instruction on the Endocrine system and Ascending the Family Within.  The seven follow-up videos on how to ZoneBalance the Endocrine System on each day of the week will be in this Course.

Modules for this course 8
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 FootZonology Coaching
 $ 2,500.00 USD
 Monthly FootZonology Coaching
 $ 500.00 USD  ( then $500.00 USD for 4 months )

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