Join us in restoring Original Culture, the Hebrew Way!  July: Principle of Creation 10

12 Modules

Intro Part 1: Where Do I Begin?

  • Lesson 1:  Welcome to FBG - Welcome Letter & Website Video 

Using the Guides

  • Lesson 2:  My Principles of Creation Journals -  Printable PDFs
  • Lesson 3:  Community Resources (Workshop Videos)

Building Foundation

  • Lesson 4:  Hebrew (Original) Way "FBG Essential Video:  Seen vs. Unseen
  • Lesson 5:  At Home Resources - Devotionals 

Intro Part 2: How Do I Discover & Explore the Principles?


  • Lesson 1:  Hebrew Way FBG Essentials Videos- The Skills of Discovery (Part 1 & 2)
  • Lesson 2:  At Home Resource:  An FBG Story Illustration--A Whole Experience 


  • Lesson 3:  Hebrew Way “FBG Essentials” Video- Principle-based Learning
  • Lesson 4:  At-Home Resources- Environment-based Discovery Experiences
    • Discovering through Nature: Shape & Number
    • Discovering through Language & Words
    • Discovering through Body & Movement
    • Discovering through Music & Sound

Explore Further:

  • Lesson 5:  How Else Can I Explore? "FBG Essentials": Organic Environments
  • Lesson 6:  What Other FBG Resources are There? Beyond At-Home Resources - Retreat & FBG Full Mentoring Program/Community

Additional Resources: Project-building Workshop

Read a book a loud with your family and build a project from that book!   See these videos modeling how you could do this in your home.

FBG Symbolic-Learning Home Resources (ONLY Part 1, of 3)

Foundation Builder Guide's Symbolic-Learning Home Resources, helping mothers teach & learn the Principles of Creation along with their children, can be enjoyed here at partial access for Principles 100, and Principles 1-7 (8 Modules only). 

This "Product" contains PART of FBG's Symbolic-Learning Home Resources, offered previously as "Year 1".

The Welcome Letter in the first “Lesson” in this Module (pdf), details the plethora of resources available that will provide many "Discovery Experiences” with which to explore, learn and create.  In each Module look for pdfs of: 

  • FBG's Principle of Creation Journals 1-22 pages
  • FBG's Principles of Creation pdfs related to these resources, with the:  Principles of Creation complementary children's booklist, Songlist, Simulations, Playkit suggestions, etc. Note:  A second edition magazine printing quality of these materials, known as "The Guidebooks 1-22”, will be available after the year 2021 after the production of our Foundation Builder Guide Storybook is under way.

These 8 Modules are all open from the time you first log in.  This means that along with the "Begin Here" Module, these Principles 100, and 1-7 are available right away for you to explore & discover this wonderful content.     

If you would ever like to access more of these Principles of Creation Modules for the Symbolic-Learning Home Resources, contact Katie for a coupon code to add the difference.

If you would like more mentoring in seeing these Principles of Creation yourself, the Level 1 - Principles of Creation Symbolic-Study for Women Training, mentoring the Hebrew Way, walks Women through their own study.  


The time to prepare is now (actually it was 20 years ago, so you may want to begin today).  Our mission is to prepare the women called to lead in their homes and communities in symbolic learning of the Organic Principles, Environments, Materials & Skills.  Learn about these amazing Natural Law Principles of Creation through our Intro Principles of Creation class called The Pilgrim's Course Tutorial.    

If you feel called to join us, we know you will love this transformational study ~ including the Foundation Builder Principles of Creation Study Guide & Companion Workbook, the Word Study Tutorial Recordings, the Symbolic-Learning Home Resources (for a Mother & Children), the Women's Retreat experience (3 days), the Facilitator Mentoring and Coaching experience to become a Facilitator at our Retreats, and in our Community!

Read more about this Principal Mentor Certification training here on  

If you are not ready to join this amazing Mother Principal Mentor training, you can begin teaching your children from these Principles of Creation positive-affirmation original symbolic songs, stories, dances, and many more "discovery-based" experiences which teach both the mother and child "The Hebrew Way" of learning, right here.  And, you will still be a part of our community!

We hope to see you sooner than later at our in-person Unlocking the Chambers Women's Retreat Training (see Level 2 details)!  You can stay connected with us online in our NEW FBG Community platform.  ADD this NEW Online Community platform into your cart on our HouseoftheBook Store HERE, so you can meet with us LIVE over there and stay connected with everyone studying these Hebraic Principles!

We hope you join us there!

In Shining Light,

Katie Hansen

Modules for this course 12
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